Obsessed With the Morbid

Having just two months ago survived a PE and now on Eliquis for the rest of my days;  I’m not gonna visit this side of Sways anymore.  Just not that curious.  That whole bull shit thing about your whole life flashing before you is just that,  bullshit.   All you’re thinking about is can I survive this.

Sorry to hear. Be careful with blood thinners. A bump can lead to internal bleeding and serious problems that you can’t see, Hope it does the job you’re taking it for. 

I was on blood thinners for 15 years, now it’s just baby asprin. Gotta watch out for bumping into things. My skin got thin and I get cuts so easily. I used to have to leave the water after I’d get cut because it wouldn’t stop bleeding. There was a time when I’d get a bruise from placing anything really heavy on my body, no impact needed.


I can tell you from personal experience that it is a hell of a lot easier dying and passing on then returning. We are “grounded” to this planet by gravity, and it has been very apparent to me ever since I was in the act of flying away from it.  Weightless was freedom with no worries or concerns for an earthbound life. 


Yeah, my father was on Cumidin for many years. I did some research at the time and found out that the same substance is sold under a different name (Warfarin) for a different purpose (killing rats).Given a high enough dose, the rats bleed to death through the gaps between cells in their blood vessel walls - no cuts required… I’m now 26 years past the age when my dad had his coronary occlusion; 8 years from his age at death, with no apparent major cardiovascular issues to this point. OTOH, I don’t try too hard to find out, denial has always worked very well for me :slight_smile: If I can hang in for another 9-10 years or more, I’d be content to just have a “one and done”…

“Max: ‘Jacob said that old Billy Henchel was killed in a car crash. Head on collision with a freight truck. Cleared his car straight over the bridge into the Mississippi.’ John: ‘Lucky bastard’. Max: ‘You bet.’” - “Grumpy Old Men”