A Personal Surfboard Journey

The first time I ever saw a surfboard being shaped, was in 1957 at the Velzy&Jacobs shop in San Clemente.       The shaper (Reynolds Yater) was using a Japanese wood bodied plane, at the time.    My next exposure to a ‘‘real’’ (pro) surfboard shaper, was in 1958.      That was Wayne Land, at the Burland surfboard shop, in PB/ La Jolla.      Wayne was using a Skil electric plane.      I asked him what it was, and where I could  get one.      I was horrified to hear that a Skil planer would cost  $125 dollars !      Hell, in 1958 you could buy a car for $ 125 dollars.    In Sept/Oct of that same year, (1958) Wayne Gave me his Burland Pig template, which was ‘‘lifted’’ from the Velzy&Jacobs Pig template.   And I still have that template.    So, for the next several years I would rent a planer, for five dollars per day.      Until Feb. 1964, when I purchased my very own Skil 100 planer, for the princely sum of $ 150 dollars.      I still have, and use, that  same planer.      My next planer purchase was a 7.5 amp Skil 100, out of Canada.      That was around 2005, or 2006.      I was later gifted a short bed base, from Terry Martin, (through Mr. Pete Casica) because I did not want to cut the original long bed.     Any shaper that uses a Skil 100, needs to have the blade sharpening device, that is available from Mr. Casica.     I have one, and I LOVE it !        Trust me, you will too.        

That’s an awesome story man. Thanks for sharing. So awesome that your first experiences were with guys like that… Oh what I would give. 


I have been searching for a planer so I can start getting into foam boards and really learn to shape a board instead of just building one… Spent some time reviewing etc… and realize that I just need to buy the skil 100… screw reviews etc… So much of this desire to shape and learn this for me personally is in the history an art I have learned through this and the skil 100 is part of that heritage it seems…


Thanks again! 

got any pics ?  past  or present 

HI Bill. I started to pm you this message because I was a bit off topic then changed my mind as it became on topic. I think you have told me this story before. Or, most of it. My first car was a 3 on the tree 61 Ford Falcon, oxidized fire engine red with the board racks and wax dripping all over it. I bought it for $200 in 1974. I drove up and down SD looking for surf on a couple dollars worth of gas chipped in by buddies. Down into Baja, too. Plenty of room in the back seat for…I wonder what a skil cost in 1974.  I love history and stories like this. I bought my skil from McDing 6 or 7 years ago. I’m not sure. Pete C told me it was an old one. Probably older than me at 62. Still going strong.Keep them coming Bill. Mike