Plug Instal - Foam Dams

OK, so wondering if anyone has any hints/tricks on making their own FOAM DAMS or the like for when installing fin plugs/leash plugs.

Maybe some sort of trick using tape? Putty?

Hmmmmm, be great to hear if there is anything kicking around?

Cheers legends


Lotsa posts in the arcives about setting fin & leash plugs, but foam dams? I havent heard of that 

Hey Huck

you dont use them?


Doesn’t sound like a bad idea for leash plugs, but I don’t use leash plugs much anymore.

And I haven’t seen a need for them with fin plugs. Maybe you could post some pics & commentary to enlighten me.

Hey huck

different types

helps stop resin spilling across bottom of board… fcs do a version for the x2 dual tab plugs that doibles as a template for coring the plug holes… 

youve never seen/used them?


Use 1 1/2" tape.  Stick half of it down and fold half upward.  Ot you can use the putty/tape that guys use to seal vacuum bags.  I mix resin, 1/32" milled fiber and white pigment for leash plug and FCS fin plugs. I mix it thick enough that it doesn’t run.   I rarely use FCS plugs anymore, unless I am repairing an old board for someone.  Futures, Fusion and FCS iI, if done properly don’t have that problem