Board Thickness: How deep is too deep?

Hey all,

First time poster, long time creeper on here. I just ordered my first custom blank and realized (too late) that my board is incredibly thick (4 1/16 inches). I was hoping to make something with thickness along the lines of 3" but ive heard from friends that planing over half an inch can lead to serious issues with board strength. I know that most of the board strength lies near the top of deck. Can i manage fine with cutting the boord down to 3 (mostly on the bottom of the blank) or will i have to compromise?

Big McThankies

EPS or poly?



Unless you can return the blank you will have to work with what you have.   One option might be to take it to a CNC to have it milled to your desired bottom and deck rockers.   If your deck rocker is close to what you want they can probably take the thickness off the bottom.   

So yeah , don’t widdle too much being poly… EPS no problem.I say go for it.maybe a extra deck patch of cloth

US Blanks, Millennium and Arctic.  The “Big Three” Poly manufacturers.   All three are high quality foam.  The idea that Poly Blanks get softer and weaker from  the deck into the middle is an old hang over idea from the Clark Foam days.  

Hey all so I emailed US blanks and they replied with this 

"We reengineered the pouring process (an slightly reformulated the foam) 

in late 2019 so as to create a much more consistent and uniform cell 

structure from crust to core, so much of older concern about the foam 

getting softer the deeper you go isn’t valid anymore. However, the 

blanks do have a crust on them and that crust is harder than the 

interior foam, so you can use that to your advantage.

The general practice is to take most of your thickness off the bottom of 

the blank, and then just skim the deck so you can benefit from the 

skin’s strength.

And once your past the skin, you won’t notice much difference between 

1/4" deep vs 1/2" deep. Cell structure should be uniform throughout."

Again thank you all for helping me out 

I’m surprised it took them that long to do what Millennium and Arctic have done from day one.