Hansen cardiff log : info seeking

snagged this the other day off Craigslist for pretty cheap. Not the prettiest but has the some cool factor in my eyes/mind…plan on fixing dings and test it out ,and hang on a wall 

Signature say 6959 with 4 dots underneth it.no initials

Classic D fin way back on tail


Wondering year and shaper , model???


Thanks in advance


The board number puts the board’s production into the first few months of 1965.       The ONLY shaper using DOTS, as an identifier at that time, was Fred (Buzzy) Smole.       The shape, at that time, would have been referred to as a ‘‘standard shape.’’       In 1965, that would have been a basic pig shape.         the board MAY have been a personal board that Buzzy made for himself.      He was known to use variations of his identifier, on his personal board.

Thanks Bill !! I was hoping you would shed some knowledge. 

The brand name is simply Hansen. Cardiff was the location. Just like many old Hobies say  Hobie Dana Point on the label.

Bill is correct. This is a stock shape typical of the period. Not every board is a model.