Installing fin box

Just a quick question.  I’m installing a 10" fin box into a hollow wood board.  How much epoxy should I mix?  The box is 10"x1"x1"

No worries I got my answer.  3 oz.

The box should fit very closely to the slot cut in the blank for it, but not so tight resin will be squeezed out.

Cut the slot, mix or catalyze some resin, insert box.  The boxy preferably should have a fin or something in it so you can be sure it’s square with the bottom.  Tape the fin to each rail to keep it upright and square with the bottom while the resin sets.

I usually put a chunk of foam or wood there so same as a foam board

The box is in.  I had installed a block of wood in the tail to accept the box before I skinned the board.  I lined the slot with 4 oz. cloth and 3 oz of epoxy did the job.

Good work.  Mission accomplished.