Shutting it down!

Today, I have locked up the forums so no new posts or replies can be added.

Over the next week or so, I’ll be pulling down a static version of the site, specifically all the forum posts & the board archive. Once that’s complete, I’ll cut site over to that static site so it will be accessable should anybody want or need to access it. This static site will be very inexpensive for me to run.

Once the site is cut over, all other login based items will no longer be accessible. This means Private messages. If you have any PMs or pages you want to keep a record of, you should pull that down now.

I want to thank everyone who posted their thoughts in the “What does Swaylock’s need” thread. That thread gave me a lot to mull over, but in the end, this feels like the correct path forward for me and Swaylock’s.

Depending on how I’m feeling next week, I may fire up a Patreon to create a newer less expensive version of Swaylock’s in the months ahead.

Take care and enjoy,
