" how many ANTS does it take ...

[nup ,  not to "change a light globe"  [!] , but ....]


" ......to make a fin panel ?? "



....following on from this ant test cup.....



  [from : " chippy's piccies " thread ....

Posted: July 21, 2011 - 9:17pm ] 


ants in resin , a practice for ants in fin panels ....







I WILL  lay up an ant fin panel , next .  I just haven't sorted if I have enough willing ants yet , to help make it look ...er.... ? "nice" ? or not ....


 .... watch this space !



Good idea.  Lure them in with some sugar.  I have a scorpian in resin.  Maybe I should lam it into a board?  I did a bat, too, but it kept oozing fluid after the cure. Yuk. Mike

I did my wife in resin and keep her in a dark corner in the back of my shop. Nobody has noticed yet, I just tell everyone that she is visiting relatives overseas. I keep my stepson in a vacume bag underneath the vacume bench behind a stack of balsa wood ! Life sure is peaseful now !

i once used a sand dollar in a fin and it looked really cool

good luck with colecting all the ants


And, you can finally have the last word!  Mike


i once used a sand dollar in a fin and it looked really cool

good luck with collecting all the ants



ah yes ...


WHERE would i be without mr. google , eh ?  [ i had NO IDEA what the hell a 'sand dollar ' was , so thanks mr . googley eye!]




  we need photos ...your bat and scorpion , mike , and your sand dollar fin , sd !


    [and maybe not your wife and son , woody ogrey ! .... but that comment of yours is  as funny as a pissed [drunk, in oz speak] clown's convention !!]


...sd , you will probably be pleased to know ?? ....the ants have  now all been  rounded up , and are lurking in their container as I type ...they are DEAD keen [from what i can tell , anyway!] for a spot of resin diving and being ..er...'preserved' for posterity [or is that 'prosperity? ha!]


  cheers guys !




For some odd reason, I'm reminded of the theme behind "Jurassic Park" with the mosquito in the amber...


Could you hear them scream as you poured them into there sitcky demise?

Ant mass murder...............you will burn in hell Chippy, you will burn...

Everybody let's all hold hands and say a little prayer for the departed.

Hey Ben,

The bat went in the garbage.  Bat juice is nasty stuff.  I’ll see what I can do about the scorpian.  Mike

Nice job.!!

I did some cockroaches in a board. The dead dried up ones worked best.


I have an excess of rats in my shop.  I’d like to cast a bunch and string the Mutha F…ka’s up around the shop  like the NO Man’s Land in Planet of the Apes (the original classic with Heston).  I like ants.  As long as they stay out of my honey jar.  Mike


I have an excess of rats in my shop.  I'd like to cast a bunch and string the Mutha F....ka's up around the shop  like the NO Man's Land in Planet of the Apes (the original classic with Heston).  I like ants.  As long as they stay out of my honey jar.  Mike



Mike cut the rat heads off and put them around the shop on bamboo shiskabob spears.   it will be like Vladimar the Impaler, very medieval, very relevant. The rats will get the message and move into the house...Problem solved.


I like that idea.  ‘Roostimar the Beheader.’  I do enjoy drilling them with my pellet gun. Got plenty coming into the house, too.  Country living.  Two good rain years in a row.  Gophers, rabbits,racoons shitting under the house.  Got bobcats, foxes, coyotes, and chicken hawks eating my chickens and ducks. Around here deer are considered big gophers by some and food by everyone else.  The cat disappeared.  Neighbors dog mauled by a lion.  Lion kills in the driveway. Rattlers.  You should hear the God aweful sound mountain lions make when their screwing.  I love it.  I’m like the guy in Green Acres.  I’m a city boy pretending to be country.  I even wear Wranglers.  Mike

      Howzit rooster,In Hawaii it's centapedes tht a lot of guys put in resin since they are so hated there and if you are sensative to their bites they can be quite panful plus a lot of swelling. Aloha,Kokua


      Howzit rooster,In Hawaii it's centapedes tht a lot of guys put in resin since they are so hated there and if you are sensative to their bites they can be quite panful plus a lot of swelling. Aloha,Kokua


Did I ever tell you about the time Keith thought a centipede in the sink was his tooth brush?  Classic story, saw it with my own eyes.

I hope that bat was dead already, I like bats!  But if you ever do want to do a bigger, juicier critter in resin like a bat or a rat or a cat or maybe a small child (where’s Dr. Seuss?), just stake them out in the shape/position you want them and bury in salt for a few weeks, longer for larger.  The salt will suck out the juice and dissicate them like a mummy (Mommy!!!) and there ya go, no goo no stink.  Heck, if you wanted to you could just prop them up as is in the house with out the resin, sort of Goth Martha Stewart decor.

Hi kokua,

I’ve seen those. Very impressive.  It was battling a minha bird in the middle of the street in Kailua. I’d like one of those in resin to share with my students.

Dr. Strange, 

I like bats, too.  They eat tons of mosquitoes.  I like them alive a lot more than dead.  Like, what did it die of?  Rabies? We used to stake and salt our rattler skins when we were kids. Mike

to clarify , for the sake of the pacifist ,  non-killer known as 'resinhead'  [ ha !]


  the ants came out of the 10' agave dead stem ....  dead ants *


  four days I had it in my loungeroom ... AND ...for days ...ants died indoors [dead ants*] , in the depths of agave [ maybe they were ?tequila/?ered to death ??]


 then , one day ... I  cut it into two five foot lengths [the agave , not the ants !] and put them upright in my loungeroom for a further four days ...


  ....voila ! 


  enough dead ants* , gravity assisted, in  neat little piles,  out the bottom of the agave stems , to yield around 25mls worth of dead ants* in a medicine cup  [...perhaps there seems to be a theme developing here , eh , mr. eraserhead ...er ..."resinhead" ?]


   ..."yooo beeee-ooo-tay !! " [ I'm thinking that I might even leave the little slivers of agave in the panels with them,  too .... just for 'authenticity ' ?!...] 


 ...there ,  THAT should do it , eh ?!  .... I reckon there could be dead ants* enough, thinly spread out , for one 5" x 7" clear [but , nevertheless, dead ants*ed!]  fin panel , hopefully !



  [ however , I AM , having said that , still SERIOUSLY considering doing a 'glo' dead ants* panel ...so , we shall see , eh ?!] 


  cheers , fellow  " weirdos " !




[* dead ants ...sung to the tune of 'the pink panther' , by the way ....]

I’ve eaten ants covered in chocolate. Pretty tasty, sort of a zing, “bite” from the formic acid…  There is an famous herbalist in Santa Monica/LA who is really big on using “special” ants as “tonic” medicine. How weird is that! http://www.dragonherbs.com/prodinfo.asp?number=007 

shall we change your name to "anteater"  then , mr. strange ??



maybe jake's brother 'antman' patterson would approve ? 

  ....the story goes that , when he was a grommet with a huge head and big boofy hair [it WAS the late 70s , early 80s !] and a spindly little body , he looked like an ant ! of course as he hated the nickname , it STUCK like ants to honey [or the agave grave, in this case illustrated on this derailment of a thread ?!]  


 his antlike stature certainly doesn't seem to have stopped him towing into ten metre plus waves here , though .....