Circle Resin Tint


I am attempting a Bing surfboards Speed Square shape in a few weeks and am keen to try a resin tint. I want to have a shot at something like this:

I really like the two tone circle thing and also the different shades of greenseen within, so if someone could gove me some pointers to get this kind of finish it would be very appreciated


I have never done resin color but, it looks to me like they poured. A circle of clear then lammed in green tint with cutlaps.

Lay down your splotch, squeegie it all in, then continue as normal with the green tint.  Not my cup of tea though.

Thanks man! Fingers crossed all goes well! Pity its not your thing…

The Bing Guys do some awesome glass work. But I think the board you posted looks like Hell. Those guys are so bored with awesome glass jobs they have to throw some curve balls now and then…Why on Earth do you want to copy a board that looks like that??? If I spit on your stick would it be cool too? No!

Go full resin tint cut lap old school. Make your surfboard perfect and awesome!!!    

Not Fad hipster gone on friday see you later dude guy.

I think it looks like hell too but just didn’t want to be so blunt.  “Not my cup of tea” was being diplomatic.  ;^}

Notice stringer - hmmmm.  Almost looks like goof-up covered over.

The tone on tone circles are okay.  I’ve used the technique for abstracts, which are also okay if you like that sort of thing.  If I’m trying to do color over EPS I like to incorporate the “imperfections” of the foam into the resin scheme using abstracts.  

The translucent tinted panel art that Gene Cooper and others do is much more impressive to me, though.   

I respectfully disagree with Mako and Stingray.

I happen to like the colorwork on that board.

At least it’s different.

Aren’t we tired of the same old thing by now?

I see the same thing with custom cars. Coddington and Foose are predictable and BORING!


 two ways to do it. They way they did it is like chrisp described. looks like a cirlcle of champagne pigment layed down first, then green a lime green or amazon green tint for the rest of the board. You have to get the circle done well and quickly, but don’t leach all the resin out or it will soak in before you finish the green, and be dry. When doing the green avoid the circle and keep the overlap to a minimum.

    The other way which will take another step but will be much cleaner and may even get a nod of approval from stingray, would be to do a killer green tint with cutlaps both sides, hotcoat and rough sand. Tape off the circle and lay down the champagne over top of the green. apply like a hotcoat with sanding agent. pull tape when resin is gelling. when dry lightly rough sand to get it as flat as possible and rough up the shiny bits. cheater around the edge of the circle overlapping into the green and onto the circle. Hotcoat full board and start final sanding with 220 or 320 depending how flat everything is.

Good luck and post pics!

First color to hit PU foam wins the color battle.  So with that said, do your color circle with squeegee, brush, your hand dipped in resin…whatever. Make sure it is a fairly dry circle…meaning it’s not all puddled with color on the outter edges of the circle.    Then you lock the rest of the color down with the green tint.  Pour the green tint directly on top of your circle of color and pull out and around…first color to the foam wins…everytime.

It’s not a clear circle with green tint over it…because if it was that…It would look like a clear circle.  Or if you want the cowards way out, then you do the circle with a foam tint first in lam resin…then glass with the green tint over it.

This abstract is super easy to do, the hardest part is going to be the green tint…making the green tint look nice and even. Usually first tint jobs look all linear with deep spots of overlaping resin.    You might want to add a bit of white opaque to muddy the green tint a bit…that will hide a bunch of sins and problems.

At the real job I have to be PC. I get sent to classes about diversity and inclusion. I learn about gay lesbiean whatever people that need to be treated as equals…Well I’ve always treated people the way I want to be treated…and I don’t look down on you if we have a different point of view…but…some people in this world can’t handle it. When I speak my mind some people don’t like that…errors and bugs. I like Bing Surfboards. I bought an overpriced shirt at their shop. I do not like the color work on the surfboard posted. Without the Bing label can we sell this stuff to the public? If you want a circle board more than one good hearted person has posted. I’m stoked for you…before you go all crazy making circles please learn to cut lap…Ray



Stingray wears Mom Jeans

…between Resinhead and Stingray you obtain all the fun that you want in this forum.



  I respectfully disagree with the method described. The first color to hit foam does win, but if you keep going over it with another color it will take and hold some of that color in as well. This is how things get muddy.  Btw way the bing board shown is not a great tint. It is quite streaky in the pic and probobly more so in person.

Hi Noah-

Not sure if you’re familar with the cast of characters who replied to your post…top-shelf glassers and regular contributors to the forum.  I’d take their glassing advice all day long.  It pays to have a bit of a thick skin too. Some of the best tips I have gotten were from posting something and someone more knowledgeable not agreeing with it.

Have fun, see you around. -J

If it’s not a green tint…then what is it?

Streakyness comes from how challenging tints in green, blue, purple are. Blank has to be perfect…no scratches, holes, dents etc.  

I emplied that someone doing a multicolor resin job would know how to lay down color work. the first to hit the foam wins is a rule…yes you can squeeze the color out.  But once again I have taken for granted that some one would be using a fully flooded resin lam, not pulling muddy resin around, and not over working the lamination til its frothy and dry.

so sorry…my bad.

it is “green”, not “great”. I agree with everything else you described except going back over the circle when doing the tint. I have respect for you and am not trying to come off as a merkin.

The Men in White Coats had to take me away for a little while…you see every time I hear a chain saw or other small engine all I hear is ray ray ray…ray ray ray…raaaaay raaaaay raaaay…ray ray…it can drive a guy to the nutty farm farm farm arm.arm…

I had this great idea for an abstract. Love it or hate it I don’t care. But first I thought I would lay down some logos with clear resin. Then I did the asbstract abstract. Then light blue over the whole thing. Then I did not like it so I pulled a rabbit out of my hat and made the save…I’m stoked. First color wins!..(most of the time). Muddy the colors and you suck…cut laps with color are the best!


Wow, I really like that one Ray!